Ben’s Milestones…Kindergarten!

1 Feb

I just don’t even know how Ben got so old on me. Also, I learned today I am a terrible parent and I guess I’ve been expected to take them in for well child check ups every year on their birthday? Obviously, I missed something because Ben hasn’t been in for a year and a half (other than flu shots two months ago, I’m not totally terrible) and I’d be pressed to imagine the last time Eli went in other than his flu shot. I thought you just took them when they got sick. I got a mini-lecture from the doc today. Talk about embarrassed. At the same time, if they are basically well, I have a hard time feeling too badly about not dragging them in to the doctor so they can tell me that yes, the boys are tall, yes, the boys are healthy, and yes, the boys sure do talk a lot. (I’m joking, I get it.)

That being said, part of the reason we went today was that Ben needed to finish off his immunizations so I could send in the kindergarten registration. He got five vaccines in three shots on his wee little legs. I told him this morning he’d be getting shots and whereas Eli usually blew it off, he immediately started with the big fat tears. I reminded him it just hurt for a second and his silent crying and fat tears made me break down. “But you get a lollipop!” (Tears) “It only hurts for a second!” (Tears) “What do you want? I’ll buy you ice cream!” (“Chocolate?”) And so now we are on our dessert of chocolate ice cream with whip cream and strawberries.

I started my new job this week but then after two days was informed that HR isn’t able to move me to my new status in the middle of a pay period so now I don’t officially start until Monday. So all of the sudden, I have tomorrow off when I already booked the nanny. She was gracious enough to take shortened hours tomorrow (I felt bad cancelling her outright) and after swim class, she’ll come over and watch Ben while I go have coffee with friends, go have lunch with another friend, and then basically wander around until I told her I’d be home. In my new role, I’ve had the opportunity to attend some ED management meetings and learn a lot of things I hadn’t been privy to before and wow, things are in massive upheaval right now.

I’ll be emailing the grandparents with phone numbers and names for our emergency contacts here. It occurred to me while filling out Ben’s k registration that you guys need to know how to contact our friends here if something should happen. They are listed as first on our emergency contacts since they live here and more likely than not if they are needed, it would be an instance where the kids need to be picked up but y’all are listed immediately after. In any case, you need to know who they are and how to contact them. So please expect that email.

And with that, I have to go dispense whip cream and strawberries. Good night 🙂

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